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Install On Your Site Manually

How to manually install Iterate with javascript

Updated over a week ago

Installing Iterate on your site is easy and takes only a few minutes. Once it is set up you'll be able to run surveys on any page of your site.

1. Create your account

Before you begin you'll need to create an Iterate account.

2. Install the Javascript code

Once you're logged in, create your first website survey. You can use one of our templates to get started.

Click on the "Preview and publish" tab in the top right and you'll see the Javascript code with your application ID pre-populated at the bottom. Copy the code and place it just before the closing </head> tag on every page you may want to run a survey.

You're all set!

Now you can finish building your survey, choose where and when it should display, and then enable it. At which point it will show up on your site for your visitors to see. Enjoy all the new insightful feedback!

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