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Query Parameters

Associate data with a user or response by passing query parameters into a link survey

Updated over a week ago

Query parameters are the portion of a URL that comes after the question mark. For example includes two query parameters:

parameter name: user_first_name
parameter value: michael

parameter name: user_last_name
parameter value: scott

When you pass query parameters using the format described below, those parameters will be saved as user or response properties (similar to the Identify method for website surveys) and available to view on our dashboard and in all available export formats (CSV, Zapier, webhooks). User properties are associated with all responses from a user going forward, including across multiple surveys. Response properties are only associated with the responses to the survey they are filling out, not associate with any future surveys they respond to. 

User properties are a convenient way to pass in identifying user information like email address or user_id when including a link to your survey in an email. Response properties are a similarly convenient way to associate survey specific data like order_id with the responses. 


Any parameter that begins with 'user_' will be saved as a user property. For example will save the user attribute 'first_name' with the value 'michael'.

Any parameter that begins with 'response_' will be saved as a response property. For example will save the response property 'order_id' with the value '12345'.

By default all query parameter values are assumed to be strings, if you would like the values to be treated as numbers, booleans, or dates you can include that information in the query parameter.

For example: 

  • will save a user attribute 'age' with value 33 (as a number)

  • will save a user attribute 'is_member' with value true (as a boolean)

  • will save a user attribute 'joined_at' with value 1683309075 (as a date, set to Fri May 05 2023 17:51:15 GMT+0000)

Important Notes

1. Once created, the type of a property (e.g. 'user_id' is a number) cannot be changed.

If you need to update the property type you can create a new key (e.g. 'user_id_string') or reach out to [email protected] to help.

Special properties

There are a few special user properties which can be used to identify users. If you send these properties you'll see the user's name or email shown on the dashboard next to their responses.

  • email

  • first_name

  • last_name

  • external_id (string)

The property 'external_id' is a string that represents your user's id within your system. If you set this property we are able to match that user across multiple platforms and sessions. We recommend setting this property.


In addition to targeting users based on properties, all user properties and response properties will also be available to view on our dashboard and in all available export formats (CSV, Zapier, webhooks).

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