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Response Rate Best Practices

Quick tips on how to increase response rates

Updated over a week ago

A survey response rate is the percentage of people who complete and return a survey. A good response rate is generally considered to be 10%-25% or higher. However, there are a number of things you can do to increase your survey response rate and get more accurate results.

Make it easy to participate

One of the most important things you can do to increase your survey response rate is to make it easy for people to participate. This means keeping your survey short and to the point, and using a clear and concise language.

Keep the survey short

People are more likely to complete a survey if they know it won't take too much of their time. It also depends on when and how you deliver the survey, within a mobile or web app we'd recommend keeping it short and concise. Try to limit the number of questions in the 5-7 range. Longer form surveys area ideally delivered via email allowing participants to complete them at their leisure.

Target your audience

When you're sending out a survey, it's important to target your audience. This means making sure that your survey is relevant to the people you're trying to reach.

Time your survey wisely

The time you send out your survey can also affect its response rate. Asking questions at the right moment in the user flow or journey, after an action or prompt, or when a specific event has triggered.

Offer incentives

Another way to increase your survey response rate is to offer incentives, such as a discount on a product or service, or a chance to win a prize. Incentives can help to motivate people to take the time to complete your survey.

Follow up

If you don't get a lot of responses to your first survey, you can try sending it out again a few weeks later. You can also try following up with people who haven't responded to your survey using another channel.

By following these tips, you can increase your survey response rate and get more accurate results.

Additional tips

Here are a few additional tips that can help you increase your survey response rate:

  • Make it personal. When you send out your survey, personalize it as much as possible. This means including the person's name and email address in the subject line, and using their name throughout the survey.

  • Make it mobile-friendly. More and more people are using their smartphones and tablets to access the internet. Make sure that your survey is mobile-friendly so that people can easily complete it on their devices.

  • Test your survey. Before you send out your survey, test it with a small group of people to ensure that it is easy to understand and complete.

  • Thank people for their time. After people have completed your survey, be sure to thank them for their time. This will show that you appreciate their feedback and will encourage them to participate in future surveys.

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