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Creating a Website Survey

Learn about the steps to create a website survey

Updated over a week ago

Running a survey on your website with Iterate is easy and takes only a few minutes to set up. Follow along on this simple and quick walk-through of creating your first survey.

1. Log in or Create an account

Before you begin you'll need to create an Iterate account and log in.

2. Create your first survey

Once logged in you will arrive on the dashboard, here you can create your first survey by clicking on the Build a survey from scratch button, or by choosing one of our templates to get started.

You will be prompted to select which type of survey it is you are creating. In this instance, we want to select the Install on your own website option and click Create a new survey.

3. Add questions to your survey

Now that we have created a survey, we need to add all of the questions you would like the answers to. We do that on the Build survey tab.

Start by writing out the first question you have in mind for this survey, select the type of question it is you are asking (freeform, single select, ranking, etc.), add any additional options or advanced settings and click Save.

You can add multiple questions (including by branching previous questions), edit your questions, or delete any you no longer need all from the Build survey tab.

4. Customize your survey

We highly recommend you customize your survey, this is a core feature and differentiator of Iterate. A survey that looks, feels and sounds like your brand is going to receive a significantly higher response rate.

4.1 Prompt

Optionally you can turn on and show a prompt message before your survey, this gives you the opportunity to frame the survey and have people explicitly opt-in. Without a prompt, the survey will start with the first question.

4.2 Position

The survey (and optional prompt) appear as a floating bubble on top of your site. Choose which corner of the window it should appear in, this helps to make sure it doesn't conflict with any other important parts of your site such as your navigation.

4.3 Color

You can utilize your brand color here for your survey buttons, progress bar, and other interface elements – thus making the survey look even more at home on your site.

4.4 Typeface

By default, Iterate will inherit the typefaces used on your site and make the survey match your style. Optionally, if you would like more control you can customize the survey text font, button font, and their weights.

4.5 Thank you message and additional copy

All of the copy in your survey is customizable, from prompt and thank you message, to question and answer copy, to interface elements such as the Next and Previous buttons.

After the survey is completed, it will automatically close after 5 seconds. You can optionally disable that functionality.

5. Choose your targeting options

Arguably the most important step in setting up your survey are the options on the Targeting tab. Displaying your survey only on select pages will ensure you are targeting the right visitors at the right time.

5.1 Pick the pages of your site the survey will appear on

You can select which pages of your site you'd like to show the survey on by entering matching URL paths. You can enter an exact path to match or choose from the drop-down menu to match part of the URL that starts with, ends with, or contains specific words.

5.2 Decide when the survey should be displayed

Be default surveys will display immediately when all of the targeting criteria has been met. Additionally, you can choose from Exit intent, Scrolled halfway, or Display after n seconds.

5.3 Limit the number of visitors that can see the survey

You can set a percentage holdback for your survey, this will limit the number of people who are eligible to see a survey.

5.4 Don't show to first-time visitors

Optionally you can enable the Don't show to first-time visitors setting to only show surveys to repeat website visitors.

5.5 Limit the survey to certain user properties (advanced)

Using the "Identify" method of our javascript API, you can easily add properties to a user that can be used to target surveys to them and associate the information with their responses.

6. Install and publish your survey

Installing Iterate on your site is easy and takes only a few minutes, just copy and paste your unique code just before the closing </head> tag on every page you may want to run a survey on.

Once the code is installed on your site, you can preview your survey before enabling it.

Finally, once everything is done and you are ready to go you can enable your survey by flipping the switch on the Preview and publish tab.

7. That's it!

Once enabled, your survey will show up to qualifying visitors, and feedback will start showing up on your dashboard in the View feedback tab.

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