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FullStory Integration

Send survey responses to FullStory enabling user segments based on their feedback

Updated over a week ago

Iterate integrates with FullStory by letting you send survey responses as FullStory events or user data.

Use Case

Capture qualitative data in the moment to help explain what’s affecting your conversion rates or other metrics.  Use survey responses to segment users based on their positive or negative feedback, and get a full picture of their experience.

Getting Started

Once you’ve created an Iterate account and created a survey (either from our library of templates or by building your own), installing Iterate on your site and integrating with Fullstory is as easy as copying and pasting the standard Iterate code into your site, as well as an additional line for sending response data to Fullstory (see below for details). You can then choose who will see your survey and when from the Iterate dashboard — select what pages it’ll appear on, when in the session it should be displayed, what percentage of people should see it, and more. Adding new surveys or editing existing ones can all be done via the Iterate dashboard, no additional coding required.

Our FullStory integration makes use of the onResponse method of our javascript SDK. This method lets you pass in a callback method which will be called every time a question is responded to. To send data to FullStory you simply send the question data from that method, into FullStory using their SDK.

After you've put the Iterate script on your site, add the following example code immediately below it, within a script tag.


Sending Responses as FullStory Events

To send responses as events simply pass the question and response parameters into the FS.event method. You can name the event anything you'd like, we use 'Survey Response' below as an example

Iterate('onResponse', (question, response) => {
  FS.event('Survey Response', {
    question: question,
    response: response,

Sending Responses as FullStory User Data

To send responses as user data, call the FS.setUserVars method, we recommend setting the key as the question and value as the response.

Iterate('onResponse', (question, response) => {
  FS.setUserVars({ [question]: response });

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